Our art store creation service will deliver a complete art print store ready to sell prints. For a full description of what you will get from our serviceĀ read this or see below for an overview:

You provide

  • Your branding (logo, colour scheme, fonts, artwork files, digital signature, portrait of artist)
  • Website template (if you do not have one we will recommend one)
  • Copy (for your about page, homepage, artwork details)

We provide:

  • Home page
  • About page
  • Contact page
  • Main store page
  • Individual product pages (with model product and point of sale copy)
  • Shipping & returns policy page (with model copy)
  • Top menu & footer menu
  • Newsletter signup
  • Social media links
  • Payment gateway setup
  • Shipping profiles setup
  • Email capture setup
  • Products set up in creativehub complete with limited edition if required
  • Branding set up in creativehub for packaging
  • Custom insert set up in creativehub
  • Products imported to your website ready to sell

Ready to get set up with our art store creation service? Head to this link to complete the questionnaire and buy.

Updated on 21 June 2024

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