The all female cast of the Hear Me Roar illustration exhibition presented by Skull&Heart has made waves in the UK. With an exstensive gallery of work from over 30 international and British artists this is an exhibition not to miss.
Image by Suzi Kemp
We are pleased to invite you to our next exhibition – ‘Hear Me Roar’ presented by the online art and illustration gallery Skull & Heart!
‘Hear Me Roar’ is an all-female art and illustration exhibition featuring work from 34 British and international artists.

Image by Liane Plant Image by Sam Dunn
Brie Finn / Bunny Bissoux / Caitlin Hackett / Chelsea Shoneck / Christina Mrozik / Ciara Phelan / Claudia De Sabe / Elena Gumeniuk / Ellannah Sadkin / Emily Forgot / Hannah Adamaszek / Hannah Truran / Hannah Waldron / Helena Perez Garcia / Jess Das / Kate Prior / Keeley Sheppard / Kristyna Baczynski / Laura Callaghan / Lauren YS / Leah Stewart / Liane Plant / Lou Hopper / Lucy Snowdon / Lynnie Zulu / Marjolein Caljouw / Miss Led / Muxxi / Pippa Toole / Sam Dunn / Shae Detar / Suzi Kemp / Tasha Wild / Yema Yema
Image by Marjolein Caljouw
Join us on Thursday 9th July from 7pm until 10pm for the private view at our gallery – theprintspace, 74 Kingsland Road, London, E2 8DL. The event is open invite, so there’s no need to RSVP.
Refreshments will be provided and admission is, as always, free!